Week 1: Tea Party with Mr. Bunny

The first illustration I managed to complete this 2012, haha. Still working on my paisley print! I'll share that once I've finished it! I hope it turns out nicely, haha. It's taking me forever :\

This was inspired by Alice in Wonderland and Mr. Bunny. You'll get to meet him soon! :] heehee

From the busy parks, to the icy tides
Someday we'll decide where we want to live out our lives
Formalities sparked, tumbling along
Keeping the heat on even though simmer's come and gone

- Siberia, Lights


  1. Cute! This reminds me of the bunny you made me! :D- Ally

  2. Thanks, Ally! Yeah, I drew this one like that, hahaha! :D hope to see you soon!!! I miss you!
